
Our Performance pillar is not just about maintaining our business resilience, but about being transparent, ethical and responsible throughout our entire operation.

Ellipse picture

Ensuring that our business is resilient and operates according to principles that benefit all of our stakeholders.


Our Performance pillar focuses on being transparent, ethical and taking responsibility for all actions in our entire operation. It lays the ground for how we operate, ensuring that every aspect of our business contributes to a bright future for people and pets alike.

Ethical Business
Credible Business
Responsible Sourcing

EcoVadis bronze medal


We are thrilled to announce that in 2023, PPF was awarded an EcoVadis Bronze medal, placing us in the top 50% of companies assessed worldwide.


EcoVadis is a globally recognised assessment platform that rates businesses’ sustainability performance based on four key areas: environment; labour and human rights; ethics; and procurement practices.


This achievement marks the first year we have been awarded the bronze medal, a significant milestone reflecting our dedicated efforts to integrate sustainability into every aspect of our operations.


However, we see this as just the beginning. We recognize that there is still work to be done, and are committed to continuous improvement. We have already developed an improvement action plan and our goal is to achieve even higher ratings in the future, continuously embedding sustainable practices into our business model. We are excited about the progress we have made and remain dedicated to striving for excellence.

Ensuring strong internal governance processes are in place and upheld to lay the foundation for ethical business practices and protect the integrity of our business.


This commitment starts with our dedication to ethical practices, where we have zero tolerance towards bribery, corruption, and anti-competitive behaviour. By ensuring that all colleagues, from those in our offices to those on our factory floors, complete regular training programmes, we create a company culture that establishes corporate standards as the foundation for our business at every level of the organisation. 


We are committed to:


  • Zero-tolerance towards bribery, corruption, and anti-competitive behaviour.
  • 100% of our permanent office-based, and factory-based employees completing anti-bribery and anti-corruption training annually.
  • 100% of our new employees receiving anti-bribery and anti-corruption training on day 1.


  • ESG policy in place since 2020 and renewed in 2023
  • New and improved annexes introduced to our ESG policy in 2023: Environmental, Modern Slavery, Equal Opportunity, Whistleblowing Policy
  • Updated annual ESG training which is mandatory for all office-based employees and newcomers

Upholding the Highest Ethical Standards


Ensuring that every part of our business adheres to the highest ethical standards has always been a priority for PPF. Maintaining a zero-tolerance policy against bribery, corruption, and anti-competitive behaviour is paramount. Here is how we keep on top of this challenge:


We have mandated comprehensive anti-bribery and -corruption training for all permanent office-based and factory-based colleagues. This programme, which has a 94% completion rate, includes annual refreshers to keep ethical practices at the forefront of our operations. Additionally, new colleagues receive this training on their first day, establishing ethical behaviour from day 1 of their PPF journey and ensuring a consistent standard across the company. We tailor made the training material for our factory-based colleagues, which included video training programmes with real-life examples, localised into all relevant languages.


This training programme has promoted widespread awareness of all ethical practices, leading to a culture of shared ethical norms among all colleagues.

Transparently and regularly communicating our sustainability activities and progress to our key internal and external stakeholders and considering ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) within our risk framework.


Our performance vision extends beyond internal governance. Transparency is a cornerstone for our operations, reflecting our commitment to credible business practices. We firmly believe that stakeholders deserve clear and regular communication regarding our sustainability journey, and we are more than dedicated to being a reliable and trustworthy partner in the pet food industry.


We are committed to:


  • Being fully transparent with all of our stakeholders across PPF, by providing annual quantitative updates on our progress towards our ESG ambitions and targets.
  • Deploying & cascading adequate and relevant actions stemming from the industry-recognized GRC framework, notably within the field of internal control assessment & compliance monitoring systems over the course of 2024 and 2025.


  • Publishing our annual Sustainability Report

Establishing and implementing policies to support socially and environmentally responsible sourcing, to ensure compliance with regulation and our standards within our entire supply chain.


Responsible sourcing is another critical component of our Performance pillar. We recognise that our impact reaches all parts of our supply chain, and we are committed to fostering socially and environmentally responsible practices. By prioritising responsible sourcing, we ensure that our products also contribute positively to society and the environment.


  • Reaching 90% supplier acceptance of our Supplier Code of Conduct and Sustainable Sourcing Policy by the end of 2024.
  • Aligning our suppliers to our waste reduction targets with at least 50% of our suppliers agreeing to waste reduction initiatives by the end of 2024.


  • Improved Supplier Code of Conduct and Responsible Sourcing Policy in 2023
  • Environmental and social clauses are added to our supplier contracts from 2023
  • Started to address all of our direct (raw and packaging material) suppliers in 2023